Chapter 27: Alpine Treeline in Colorado

This chapter provides a partial implementation of Wei, Karger, and Wilson [4] (applied to Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, United States) to map the alpine treeline ecotone. The full GEE code can be found here.


 * Calculates and adds the NDVI band for Sentinel-2A
 * @param   {ee.Image}  image  - Sentinel-2A image
 * @return  {ee.Image}         - Sentinel-2A image with NDVI band added
function add_ndvi_s2(image) {
  return image.addBands(image.normalizedDifference(['B8', 'B4']).rename('NDVI'));

 * Calculates and adds the NDVI band for Landsat 8
 * @param   {ee.Image}  image  - Landsat 8 image
 * @return  {ee.Image}         - Landsat 8 image with NDVI band added
function add_ndvi_l8(image) {
  return image.addBands(image.normalizedDifference(['B5', 'B4']).rename('NDVI'));

 * Clips an image to the RMNP, CO boundary
 * @param   {ee.Image}  image  - Full-sized image
 * @return  {ee.Image}         - Image clipped to RMNP boundary
function clip_rmnp(image) {
  return image.clip(rmnp_boundary);

 * Extracts QA values from an image
 * @param  {ee.Image} qa_band   - Single-band image of the QA layer
 * @param  {Integer}  start_bit - Starting bit
 * @param  {Integer}  end_bit   - Ending bit
 * @param  {String}   band_name - param_description
 * @return {ee.Image}           - Image with extracted QA values
function extract_qa_bits(qa_band, start_bit, end_bit, band_name) {
  // Initialize QA bit string/pattern to check QA band against
  var qa_bits = 0;
  // Add each specified QA bit flag value/string/pattern to the QA bits to check/extract
  for (var bit = start_bit; bit <= end_bit; bit++) {
    qa_bits += Math.pow(2, bit); // Same as qa_bits += (1 << bit);
  // Return a single band image of the extracted QA bit values
  return qa_band
    // Rename output band to specified name
    .select([0], [band_name])
    // Check QA band against specified QA bits to see what QA flag values are set
    // Get value that matches bitmask documentation
    // (0 or 1 for single bit,  0-3 or 0-N for multiple bits)

 * Masks clouds, cloud shadows, water, and snow pixles in a Landsat 8 image
 * @param   {ee.Image}  qa_band  - Unmasked image
 * @return  {ee.Image}           - Masked image
function mask_landsat8(image) {
  // Select pixel QA band
  var qa_band ='pixel_qa');

  // Extract bitmasks for water (bit 2), cloud shadow (bit 3), snow (bit 4), and cloud (bit 5)
  var water_bitmask = extract_qa_bits(qa_band, 2, 2, 'water_bitmask');
  var cloud_shadow_bitmask = extract_qa_bits(qa_band, 3, 3, 'cloud_shadow_bitmask');
  var snow_bitmask = extract_qa_bits(qa_band, 4, 4, 'snow_bitmask');
  var cloud_bitmask = extract_qa_bits(qa_band, 5, 5, 'cloud_bitmask');

  // Mask image
  var image_masked = image.updateMask(

  return image_masked;

 * Creates a standard score image
 * @param   {ee.Image}              image       Image
 * @param   {ee.FeatureCollection}  study_area  Area to capture statistics for
 * @param   {string}                band_name   Band within the image to return
 * @return  {ee.Image}                          Standard score image of the specified band
function standardize_component(image, study_area, band_name) {
  // Calculate mean
  var mean = ee.Number(image.reduceRegion({
    reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(),
    geometry: study_area.geometry(),
    scale: 30,
    maxPixels: 1e12

  // Calculate standard deviation
  var stdev = ee.Number(image.reduceRegion({
    reducer: ee.Reducer.stdDev(),
    geometry: study_area.geometry(),
    scale: 30,
    maxPixels: 1e12

  // Calculate standard score image
  var standardized = image
    .select([band_name], [band_name + '_standardized']);

  return standardized;

 * Export image/raster as GeoTiff to Google Drive or to GEE Asset
 * @param   {ee.Image}              image           Image/raster that will be exported
 * @param   {ee.FeatureCollection}  study_area      Study area boundary
 * @param   {ee.Number}             max_pixels      Maximum number of pixels to reduce
 * @param   {ee.Number}             raster_scale    Scale in meters
 * @param   {string}                output_name     Name of the output file (without extension)
 * @param   {string}                output_method   Name of the export method/location ("Drive" for Google Drive, "Asset" for GEE Asset)
 * @return  {string}                output_message  Message indicating the task to run to complete the export
function export_raster(raster, study_area, raster_scale, max_pixels, output_name, output_method) {
  // Handle optional parameters
  output_method = output_method || 'drive';
  raster_scale = raster_scale || 30;
  max_pixels = max_pixels || 1e7;

  // Create variable for output message
  var output_message;

  if (output_method.toLowerCase() == "drive") {

    // Export image/raster as a GeoTiff to Google Drive
      image: raster,
      region: study_area,
      scale: raster_scale,
      maxPixels: max_pixels,
      description: output_name

    // Assign output message
    output_message = "Task ready: " + output_name + "\nPlease run task to export to Google Drive.";

  } else if (output_method.toLowerCase() == "asset") {

    // Export vector to GEE Asset
      image: raster,
      geometry: study_area,
      scale: raster_scale,
      maxPixels: max_pixels,
      description: output_name,
      assetId: output_name

    // Assign output message
    output_message = "Task ready: " + output_name + "\nPlease run task to export to GEE Asset.";

  } else {

    // Assign output message
    output_message = "Invalid export method. Please specify 'Drive' or 'Asset'.";


  // Return output message
  return output_message;

Data Acquisition & Preprocessing

/** Pseudocode
 * Study Area
 *   Upload study area shapefile to EE asset
 *   Get study area boundary into feature collection
 * Imagery
 *   Get a year's worth of imagery into a collection
 *   Add NDVI band to each band in the collection
 *   Clip collection to study area boundary
 *   Mask collection for clouds, cloud shadows, snow, and water
 *   Select NDVI band; create max NDVI composite
 *   Apply focal median (300 meter / 10 pixel radius) to smooth NDVI
 * Elevation
 *   Get elevation layer
 *   Clip to study area boundary
 *   Apply focal median (300 meter / 10 pixel radius to smooth NDVI

// Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado (from GEE Asset)
var rmnp_boundary = ee.FeatureCollection("users/calekochenour/Rocky_Mountain_National_Park__Boundary_Polygon");
// print('RMNP Bounadry:', rmnp_boundary);

// Landsat 8
var landsat8_t1_sr = ee.ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR");

// Get 2018 imagery for RMNP
var rmnp_2018_collection = landsat8_t1_sr
  .filterDate('2018-01-01', '2018-12-31') // Use for single year
  // .filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(2013, 2020, 'year')) // Use for multi-year
  // .filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(6, 9, 'month')) // Use for multi-year
// print(rmnp_2018_collection);

// Create greenest pixel composite (max NDVI)
var rmnp_2018_greenest = rmnp_2018_collection.qualityMosaic('NDVI');
print('Greenest Pixel:', rmnp_2018_greenest);

// Define kernal for smoothing NDVI and elevation
var ate_kernel ={radius: 10, units: 'pixels'});

// Smooth NDVI with focal median
var ndvi_greenest ='NDVI');
var ndvi_greenest_smoothed = ndvi_greenest
  .focal_median({kernel: ate_kernel, iterations: 1})

print('NDVI Greenest (Max):', ndvi_greenest);
print('NDVI Greenest (Max) Smoothed:', ndvi_greenest_smoothed);

// Get USGS National Elevation Dataset elevation layer
var usgs_ned = ee.Image("USGS/NED");
var rmnp_elevation = usgs_ned.clip(rmnp_boundary);
var rmnp_elevation_smoothed = rmnp_elevation
  .focal_median({kernel: ate_kernel, iterations: 1})

print('Elevation:', rmnp_elevation);
print('Elevation Smoothed:', rmnp_elevation_smoothed);

Data Processing

// C1 - Abrupt spatial shift in NDVI / spatial velocity of NDVI
// Compute gradient of smoothed NDVI
var ndvi_gradient = ndvi_greenest_smoothed.gradient();
print('NDVI Gradient:', ndvi_gradient);

// Compute NDVI gradient magnitude
var ndvi_gradient_magnitude = ndvi_gradient
  .select('y').pow(2)).sqrt().select(['x'], ['ndvi_grad_mag']);
print('NDVI Gradient Magnitude:', ndvi_gradient_magnitude);

// Get min/max for plotting gradient magnitude
// var ndvi_gradient_magnitude_max = ndvi_gradient_magnitude.reduceRegion({
//   reducer: ee.Reducer.max(),
//   geometry: rmnp_boundary.geometry(),
//   scale: 30,
//   maxPixels: 1e12
// });
// print('NDVI Gradient Magnitude Max:', ndvi_gradient_magnitude_max); // 0.005956791228225612

// var ndvi_gradient_magnitude_min = ndvi_gradient_magnitude.reduceRegion({
//   reducer: ee.Reducer.min(),
//   geometry: rmnp_boundary.geometry(),
//   scale: 30,
//   maxPixels: 1e12
// });
// print('NDVI Gradient Magnitude Min:', ndvi_gradient_magnitude_min); // 0

// Compute NDVI gradient direction (degrees) (from north, + --> clockwise, - --> counterclockwise)
var ndvi_gradient_direction = ndvi_gradient
  // Ensure positive angles (0 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 = West)
  .select(['y'], ['ndvi_grad_dir']);
// Gradient vector: direction and rate of fastest increase
// Direction in most cases should be down the mountain (at least when in ATE)
print('NDVI Gradient Direction:', ndvi_gradient_direction);

// Get C1 component
var c1 =['ndvi_grad_mag'], ['c1']);
print('C1 Component:', c1);

// C2 - Intermediate NDVI
// Define parameters (based on paper, can change with calibration)
var b = 0.44;
var c = 0.06;

// Compute C2 (Gaussian function of NDVI)
var c2 = ee.Image(Math.E).clip(rmnp_boundary)
  .select(['constant'], ['c2']);
print('C2 Component:', c2);

// C3 - Spatial covariation of NDVI and elevation
// Compute gradient of smoothed elevation
var elevation_gradient = rmnp_elevation_smoothed.gradient();
print('Elevation Gradient:', elevation_gradient);

// Compute elevation gradient magnitude
var elevation_gradient_magnitude = elevation_gradient
  .select('y').pow(2)).sqrt().select(['x'], ['elevation_grad_mag']);
print('Elevation Gradient Magnitude:', elevation_gradient_magnitude);

// Get min/max values for plotting
// var elevation_gradient_magnitude_min = elevation_gradient_magnitude.reduceRegion({
//   reducer: ee.Reducer.min(),
//   geometry: rmnp_boundary.geometry(),
//   scale: 30,
//   maxPixels: 1e12
// });
// print('Elevation Gradient Magnitude Min:', elevation_gradient_magnitude_min); // 0

// var elevation_gradient_magnitude_max = elevation_gradient_magnitude.reduceRegion({
//   reducer: ee.Reducer.max(),
//   geometry: rmnp_boundary.geometry(),
//   scale: 30,
//   maxPixels: 1e12
// });
// print('Elevation Gradient Magnitude Max:', elevation_gradient_magnitude_max); // 3.137629831784505

// Compute elevation gradient direction (degrees) (from north, + --> clockwise, - --> counterclockwise)
var elevation_gradient_direction = elevation_gradient
  // Ensure positive angles (0 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 = West)
  .select(['y'], ['elevation_grad_dir']);
// Gradient vector: direction and rate of fastest increase
// Direction in most cases should be down the mountain (at least when in ATE)
print('Elevation Gradient Direction:', elevation_gradient_direction);

// Compute difference between NDVI elevation gradient directions
var theta = ndvi_gradient_direction
  // Ensure positive angles (0-360) for difference
  // 90 < theta < 270 --> opposite directions
  // theta < 90 or theta > 270 --> same direction

// Define C3 parameters
var n = 10; // Based on paper value

// Compute C3
var c3 = theta.cos().multiply(-1).add(1).pow(n)
  .select(['ndvi_grad_dir'], ['c3']);
print('C3 Component:', c3);

// Standardize ATE components
var c1_standardized = standardize_component(c1, rmnp_boundary, 'c1');
var c2_standardized = standardize_component(c2, rmnp_boundary, 'c2');
var c3_standardized = standardize_component(c3, rmnp_boundary, 'c3');

print('C1 Standardized:', c1_standardized);
print('C2 Standardized:', c2_standardized);
print('C3 Standardized:', c3_standardized);

// Calculate Alpine Treeline Ecotone Index (ATEI)

// ATEI = e^x/(e^x+1)
// x --> b0 + b1*c1 + b2*c2 + b3*c3
// Use values from paper
var b0 = -1.47;
// print(b0);
var b1 = 0.44;
var b2 = 0.58;
var b3 = 0.56;

// Compute sum component of ATEI equation
var atei_sum = c1_standardized.multiply(b1)
  .select(['c1_standardized'], ['atei_sum_comp']);
print('ATEI Sum Component Image:', atei_sum);

// Compute exponent component of ATEI equation
var atei_exponent = ee.Image(Math.E).clip(rmnp_boundary).pow(atei_sum)
  .select(['constant'], ['atei_exp_comp']);
print('ATEI Exponent Component Image:', atei_exponent);

// Compute full ATEI
var atei = atei_exponent.divide(atei_exponent.add(1))
  .select(['atei_exp_comp'], ['atei']);
print('ATEI Image:', atei);

// Get min/max values for plotting
var atei_min = atei.reduceRegion({
  reducer: ee.Reducer.min(),
  geometry: rmnp_boundary.geometry(),
  scale: 30,
  maxPixels: 1e12
print('ATEI Min:', atei_min);

var atei_max = atei.reduceRegion({
  reducer: ee.Reducer.max(),
  geometry: rmnp_boundary.geometry(),
  scale: 30,
  maxPixels: 1e12
print('ATEI Max:', atei_max);

Data Postprocessing

// Smooth ATEI image (prepare for export)
var atei_kernel ={radius: 3, units: 'pixels'});
var atei_smoothed = atei
  .focal_median({kernel: atei_kernel, iterations: 1})

Data Visualization

// Landsat 8 RGB
var vis_params_landsat8_rgb = {
  'bands': ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'],
  'min': 0,
  'max': 3000

var vis_params_ndvi = {
  bands: ['NDVI'],
  'min': -1,
  'max': 1,
  palette: ['ffffff', 'f7fcb9', 'addd8e', '31a354']

var vis_params_elevation_rmnp = {
  min: 2000.0,
  max: 5000.0,
  palette: [

var vis_params_gradient_direction = {
  min: 0,
  max: 360,
  palette: [

// Center map to Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
Map.setCenter(-105.6836, 40.3428, 10);

// RGB
Map.addLayer(rmnp_2018_greenest, vis_params_landsat8_rgb, 'RMNP - 2018 - Greenest Pixel - RGB');

// Map.addLayer(rmnp_2018_greenest, vis_params_ndvi, 'RMNP, CO - 2018 - Greenest Pixel Composite - NDVI');
Map.addLayer(ndvi_greenest, vis_params_ndvi, 'RMNP - 2018 - Greenest Pixel - NDVI');
Map.addLayer(ndvi_greenest_smoothed, vis_params_ndvi, 'RMNP - 2018 - Greenest Pixel - NDVI Smoothed');

// Elevation
Map.addLayer(rmnp_elevation, vis_params_elevation_rmnp, 'RMNP - Elevation');
Map.addLayer(rmnp_elevation_smoothed, vis_params_elevation_rmnp, 'RMNP - Elevation Smoothed');

// NDVI gradient
Map.addLayer(ndvi_gradient, {}, 'NDVI Gradient');
    min: 0,
    max: 0.005956791228225612,
    // palette: [
    //   '0571b0',
    //   'f7f7f7',
    //   'ca0020'
    // ]
    palette: [
  'NDVI Gradient Magnitude');
  'NDVI Gradient Direction'

// Elevation gradient
Map.addLayer(elevation_gradient, {}, 'Elevation Gradient');
    min: 0,
    max: 3.137629831784505,
    // palette: [
    //   '0571b0',
    //   'f7f7f7',
    //   'ca0020'
    // ]
    palette: [
  'Elevation Gradient Magnitude');
  'Elevation Gradient Direction'

// Gradient difference
    min: 0,
    max: 360,
    palette: [
      '0571b0', // Same direction - 0-90
      'ca0020', // Different direction - 90-180
      'ca0020', // Different direction - 180-270
      '0571b0'  // Same direction - 270-360
  "Difference in Gradient Direction"

// Alpine treeline ecotone components
Map.addLayer(c1, {min: 0, max: 0.005956791228225612}, 'C1 Component');
// Map.addLayer(c2, {}, 'C2 Component');
  {min: 0, max: 1},
  // {min: 0, max: 1000, palette: ['blue', 'white', 'red']},
  'C2 Component');
Map.addLayer(c3, {}, 'C3 Component');

    palette: [
  'C1 Standardized');

    palette: [
  'C2 Standardized');

    palette: [
      // '0571b0',
      // '92c5de',
      // 'f7f7f7',
      // 'f4a582',
      // 'ca0020'
  'C3 Standardized');

    min: 0,
    max: 1,
    palette: [
  'Alpine Treeline Ecotone Index'

// ATEI - smoothed
    min: 0,
    max: 1,
    palette: [
  'Alpine Treeline Ecotone Index - Smoothed - 3 Pixel Circular Median Kernel'

Data Export

// Export ATEI raster
var atei_export = export_raster(
  undefined, // use default value defined in function


// Export smoothed ATEI raster
var atei_smoothed_export = export_raster(
  undefined, // use default value defined in function
